
Rajasthan Govt. extends Scheme Applicability Period
“Benefits of state Govt. scheme are now being extended up to 31/03/2021”
Another tremendous news for industries in Rajasthan. The state Govt. investment promotion scheme which facilitates benefits like:
- 30% rebate on GST
- 50% rebate on Krishi Mandi fee
- 50% rebate on electricity duty
- 50% rebate on stamp duty
- 50% rebate on land conversion charges
- various interest subsidies & many other benefits,
is now being extended up to 31/03/2021, which was originally going to end on 31/03/2018. So don’t let this opportunity slip away and claim for these above-mentioned benefits and enjoy the rebate for 7 years from the date of receiving of entitlement certificate. This scheme covers all types of newly set up industries and also expansion in currently running units.
For further inquiry please contact us.