Huge Subsidy on Cold Storage Projects
“Great opportunity for Cold storage project aspirants”
Central Govt. has launched a very beneficial scheme for Cold storage projects, under which any investor who is planning to set up a ‘new cold storage unit or expansion of current unit’ is eligible under this scheme for a grant in aid. A maximum of Rs. 10 Crores can be availed as the subsidy under this scheme. The pattern of assistance will be as follows:
(A) For storage infrastructure including Pack House and Precooling unit, ripening chamber and transport infrastructure, grant-in-aid @ 35% for General Areas and @ 50% for the North East States, the Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas, of the total cost of plant & machinery and technical civil works will be provided.
(B) For value addition and processing infrastructure including frozen storage/ deep freezers associated and integral to the processing, grant-in-aid @ 50% for General Areas and @ 75% for the North East States, the Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas, will be provided.
(C) For irradiation facilities, grant-in-aid will be provided @ 50% for General Areas and @75% for the North East States, the Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas.
The last date for submitting the proposals under this scheme is 30th April 2018.
For further inquiry please contact us.